So, I know this website is young, and only read by a few people, but I want to thank you few people that do read this blog. It reminds me that I do have a writing platform, however small it may be. I want to thank you, from the heart, if you are a returning visitor to this website. You're helping my career.
However, I challenge you to do one other thing. Please, share this blog with just one person who you think would enjoy it, in the next week. I'm not asking for a miracle. I'm not asking for your money. I simply ask that you share this website with one person. Just one person! You also have a week to accomplish this task. You don't have to leave a comment, or contact me, saying that you've shared it. In fact, please don't. But I'll be quite happy if my statistics go up after this next week. Thanks again to all of you loyal returners. You remind me that I can achieve my goals.
So, this tip on writing wasn't planned, nor did I ever figure I would do anything like this. It seems that whenever I least expect it, I hear someone mention something about how the blank page is intimidating. I disagree. The blank page symbolizes the beginning of a new adventure. White is the color, symbolically, of peace and surrender. The white, blank page is at your disposal. You should feel free to do whatever you want with a blank piece of paper.
Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself. Perhaps this is just the inner optimist inside of me. But let me be clear. If the blank page intimidates you, don't let it. Perhaps some good old Bob Ross would do you well. Like Bob Ross says, "You can paint with almost anything. All you have to do is practice!" The same goes for writing. You can turn any idea into a good story, with enough practice and ink. That has simply been my two cents on the subject, and is less of a writing tip, and more so encouragement. I'm still alive.
I have a lot of writing projects I'm working on, including, a TV Episode, a school essay, book chapters, and trying to balance all of that with finishing the essay about Election Day for here. Have a good week, everyone. Well. Since we last talked, or rather, since I last posted, whether you like it or not, Donald Trump was elected our next president. It is history making. He will be the first president to never have held any public office or been in a military position. Even the Bush's had been governors, and so had Ronald Reagan. Additionally, he will surpass Ronald Reagan as the oldest president to take office, by almost a year.
However, Election 2016 was historic for many more reasons, including a petition for statehood, the approval of ranked-choice voting, and marijuana, both recreational and medical. It was also the 5th time in history when the Electoral College differed from the popular vote, if you include the 1824 election, when no candidate received a majority of the vote. Within the next couple of weeks, I will be posting an article on my "Essays & Writing" page, detailing a few of these topics in detail, and how they really are a historic change. I will keep you updated, and put up a very short post when the article is up. I'm gonna get real for a moment. I start my day every morning at 6, waking up, pressing snooze until 6:30, when I'm out the door by 7:30. I get to school before 8, and spend the day in classrooms and lecture halls, with some fun classes, and some boring classes. I get a varying amount between 1/2 an hour and 2 1/2 hours of break, depending on the day and get home around 4:30. I eat dinner sometime and give myself between 1 and 2 hours to relax, and then do homework until about 9 o'clock. I go to bed. I think about how I need to get some stuff done. Yet, I don't have the time. I never have time during the week to work on my book-writing, however, squeeze in a few minutes for my other writing projects. I spend most of my Saturday reading a book, generally for school, and writing. On Sunday, I'm with family and do homework.
Point being: I hardly ever get a break. Excluding sleeping, I get only 20 hours off during a 5 day work week, compared to the average working adult's 40. So, even though I would love to blog everyday, I rarely have enough time to even squeeze in a post before bed. My new, official schedule for blog posts will be as follows: One post a week. This, of course, will vary. Some weeks I'll miss, due to vacation, and other days I will do an extra post, because of a special event. |
AuthorMy Name is Eddie Schweikert. I am an animator, author, artist, and friend. You will hear about many of my latest ventures here. Archives
November 2018